It is with deep regret that we inform you about a recent loss to our school community. On September 20, the HNHS art teacher Joe Haft passed away. He served as Huntington North High School's art teacher for 20 years. Joe was an amazing artist and great inspiration to many students. He will be deeply missed.
Huntington County Community Schools has a team of professional counselors trained to help with the needs of students, parents, and school personnel after suffering a loss like this. We encourage parents and staff to also feel free to use our resources.
Click here to download a PDF resource that may be useful in helping your child through the healing process at home. If you would like additional information or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Huntington North counselors at 260-356-6104.
We are saddened by the loss to our school community, and we will make every effort to help our staff and children through this difficult time.
Randy Harris