It is with great sadness that we must relay another loss to our school family. 2018 HNHS Grad Tyler Stephan died Monday, Oct. 1, 2018. Tyler was a freshman at Purdue University. He was known and loved by many of our current HNHS students and staff. For more information on Tyler,
click here.
The passing of Tyler at such a young age — and in the wake of two other tragic losses with teachers
Emily Teusch and
Joe Haft — it can feel like too much to bear. At times like this, we want to reassure our students that it is okay to have many different feelings, including sadness, anger, and disbelief. It is okay to cry and take time to grieve.
Click here to download a PDF resource that may be useful in working through the healing process at home.
We encourage students, staff, and parents who are having trouble processing this to reach out to our HCCSC counselors. Please
contact us — we will put you in touch with someone who can help.
Randy Harris
Related Links:
Lincoln Elementary Closed Oct. 2 in Memory of Teacher Emily Teusch
The Loss of Elementary Teacher Emily Teusch
HNHS Art Teacher Joe Haft Will Be Missed