Remember back in December when we all thought that we were going to have a mild winter? Well, Mother Nature certainly changed her mind! Indiana weather is definitely unpredictable — in January and February we saw a swing from near-record cold temperatures to the mid 40’s in just a couple of days. Add snow and ice, and it has been a recipe for school delays and closings.
The HCCSC calendar had five built-in days for inclement weather for the 2018-2019 school year. After exhausting those days, we officially transitioned into eLearning Days on January 30, 2019, when school was cancelled for extreme cold temperatures.
“HCCSC has had 1:1 technology for K-5 students for almost 3 years and our students in grades 6-8 have had devices for 7 years. Our teachers have been transitioning to blended learning for the past several years. The ‘Flex Days’ that we had in December and January were a great trial run for our teachers and students with eLearning. These days allowed teachers to prepare online lessons ahead of time and practice posting these learning exercises onto the Canvas app. It also allowed students to practice submitting assignments through the app without having a teacher present” stated Chad Daugherty, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
The education that our students receive is taken very seriously by teachers, administrators, and our support staff. Our goal is to make the high quality lessons that students would normally receive in the classroom available online on days where physical school attendance is not possible. Due to efforts made by our students, parents, teachers, Technology Department, Professional Development Team, and our administrators, eLearning allows instruction to continue no matter the weather.