Students grow up being encouraged to try new things and take advantage of opportunities with the idea that they will discover a new skill or find a potential career that they can pursue beyond high school.
But what does that next level look like?
Students from Huntington North High School’s Mass Media Production course got a glimpse of what the pursuit of a career in the broadcasting industry might look like on Monday.
Students began the day at Huntington University, where they toured the school’s Digital Media Arts facilities. Dr. Lance Clark, HU’s Dean of the Arts, highlighted the school’s television and radio facilities, its recently renovated Platt Arena, and Becker Hall, home to HU’s film production facilities.
Along with the facilities and the campus, Clark was able to answer students’ questions about what media courses are like in higher education.
From HU, the HNHS students traveled to WANE-TV in Fort Wayne, where they toured the professional studio, newsroom, and control room. They also were able to witness the live production of the station’s noon newscast.
Following the production, the students were able to interact with WANE anchors Pat Hoffmann and Emily Dwire, meteorologists Greg Shoup and Camryn Leatherman, morning director Brent Goodin, and producer Sierra Tufts.
They learned about the challenging schedule necessary for a career in broadcasting as well as the everchanging technology within the industry.
“By allowing Huntington North Media to visit HU & WANE-TV, we learned what a profession in the media industry can be,” said HNHS junior Nathan Kreiger. “We heard impactful stories and learned standards how to operate equipment.”
Huntington North High School offers radio/TV as a career pathway toward graduation. The school’s student-run radio station, 91.9 FM WVSH, has been on the air since 1950.
Today, students within the program have opportunities to gain hands-on experience on air and behind the camera, producing radio broadcasts and live video streams of more than 75 live events throughout the school year.
Story and Photography Provided By: Huntington North Radio/TV Teacher Nick Altman