Professional Development Update: Scheduled 2-Hour Delays

Reading Comprehension and SAT are the Main Focus during Professional Development
November 13 Board Meeting

Continual growth and improvement for our educators is essential to provide better opportunities and learning environments for students. HCCSC has the additional opportunity to utilize scheduled 2-hour delays throughout the year specifically for the development of our educators to focus on areas that will impact each and every student.
Elementary Professional Development Coordinator Marissa Tinkle provided a snapshot of "The Science of Reading" through the MTSS (Multi-Tiered Support System) Process that our elementary educators continue to focus on during the scheduled 2-hour delay times throughout the first semester.  The Science of Reading aims to provide the combination of language comprehension and word recognition to elevate reading skills for each and every student.

Secondary Professional Development Coordinator Lynn Brown provided a snapshot of what secondary educators have been working on during the scheduled 2-hour delay times.  Through 'The Science of Reading', teachers are sharing and implementing different strategies that aim to provide multiple resources for students to succeed beyond the discipline and beyond high school.  SAT sample questions have been shared to provide insight on what upcoming tests will look like to better prepare our students.  Ms. Brown also noted that Huntington North is scoring higher than the state average for the SAT.  The state has changed the format and the complexity of the SAT and administration continues to provide support and strategies to set each and every student up to be successful. Educators will continue to develop strategies to meet all students needs each and every day.
Every Student, Every Day.

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