Fall is a time of change — and you’ll notice much is changing here at HCCSC. First, we are changing our newsletter.
Starting with the October 15th edition of
The TAB, we will have one page per month to highlight what’s new in our district. There are too many great happenings in our schools to report everything, but we will provide many links to connect with our website and social media. We are changing to give you more timely information.
In upcoming editions, we plan to cover topics that come from our nine school buildings. We will highlight schools, classrooms, teachers, and students. The biggest upcoming event will be the start of the project to build a new elementary school in Roanoke. We hope you’ll join us for the ground-breaking ceremony in late October. We invite everyone to come out for this exciting event.
Finally, since this is a new endeavor for us, we invite you to provide us your feedback. What would you like to see highlighted? How can we do a better job of communicating with those of you that no longer have students in our schools? What changes would you like to see in our schools? Please contact me at
[email protected] and share your thoughts.
Randy Harris