Mr. Draper and Mrs. Lassiter have helped in the Alternative school recover 91 credits since the start of the school year. Mr. Draper is a licensed science and math teacher and Mrs. Lassiter has taught English at the college level for Ivy Tech. Between the two of them, they work with small groups of students on a daily basis in a wide variety of subjects. Through direct instruction, APEX classes, and packet classes, students who have not seen success in the traditional classroom are seeing great success in this program. Many of these students are inching closer to being able to graduate with their cohort.
Through their creative and innovative techniques, not only are these students able to earn credits, they are learning life skills and job skills. Some may even have the opportunity to participate in internships during the school year in a field of interest.
Without their dedication and this program, these students would not have had a chance to graduate and would have been another group that fell through the cracks.
We are excited to see what the two of these outstanding individuals can accomplish for the rest of the school year.
Hanna Napier wrote, "Coming into this program I thought I would not be able to achieve my 21st Century Scholarship because I did not have enough credits, but because of this program I will be able to achieve this goal of mine." Hanna continues pushing for her goals beyond high school.
"Huntington North has helped me get on the pathway of becoming a mortician. There is another program called PRE-TS that has helped me get an internship at a funeral home. The alternative program has also helped me create a business plan about owning my own funeral home" says Napier.
Lillian Easterling wrote, "Originally, I was going to just stay online and graduate online but then when I saw my older sister walk across that stage to get her diploma, I just thought to myself I want to finish my high school year and walk across that stage too. I am not too happy about my past high school years. I wish I took a different path than I did but we are human, and we all make mistake. We just have to own up to them. It feels so good to know that I am goin go to be able to graduate and walk with my class across that stage to get my diploma. I am just so thankful for the people that had pushed me to focus on school and to get my diploma."
Jordan Shake wrote, "The alternative education program has helped me by giving me a second chance to graduate high school since I dropped out during my Junior year. The program has changed the way I look at school because with the program I can see how much progress I have made on each credit. The program has allowd me to graduate high school with my class of 2024 which I will be eternally grateful for.
Today we recognize that everyone deserves a second chance. Every Student, Every Day.