HCCSC recently wrapped up the annual Salvation Army Canned Food Drive. “This year’s food drive was a great success, and just another example of the kindness and support we have from our Huntington County community. It is very powerful when we can come together and contribute for a common purpose,” explained Principal Chuck Werth, Crestview Middle School.
“The ‘what’ we do and ‘how’ we do it are the easy and more tangible things that we can see and remember. Some of those examples include the thousands of canned food items and hundreds of dollars collected. Most importantly, ‘why’ we do things is what helps to change and shape the lives of others. The lives that are changed are not only the ones who receive, but the ones who give.”
A project of this magnitude requires the help of many. Thank you to all of our participating schools for their contributions: Andrews, Horace Mann, Lincoln, Roanoke, Crestview, Riverview, and Huntington North. Many individuals behind the scenes led the Canned Food campaigns, contributed, sorted and packed boxes, and assisted with pick-up and delivery of the donated items.
A special thank you to Juergens Do it Best for providing a truck to pick up all of the donations. HCCSC students in the Middle School Alternative program, members of the Huntington Fire Department, Mayor Brooks Fetters, and several others were on hand to help unload all of the items at the Salvation Army.
Huntington County is full of caring and generous people, and we are proud to be part of this community!