Operation Safe Prom is a real-life simulation program that was held for seniors, portraying Huntington North High School students who are involved in a mock accident while traveling to or from prom. Our community partners include Parkview Huntington Emergency Medical Services, Huntington Fire Department, Huntington Police Department, and Huntington County Sheriff’s Department, who all played their parts in the scenario.
HNHS seniors were encouraged to consider the dangers of distracted driving and the consequences of those actions. In the scenario, the drivers had been distracted and/or drinking, and caused the crash. One of the students was thrown through the windshield and fatally injured. The firefighters and EMS personnel attended to the injured victims, and the fatally injured student was taken away in a hearse. “I thought that Safe Prom was an eye-opening experience that taught me a lot about what a drunk driving accident might look like. I felt that the portrayal was realistic. Not only did they include proper dress attire for a prom night, but there was makeup, empty bottles of alcohol, real first responders, and more,” described HNHS Senior Braden Hale.
The program continued in the auditorium, where the students witnessed a court hearing. The three boys involved in the accident were all sentenced to jail time. The drunk driver received 6 years in prison, the distracted driver received 4 years, and a passenger received 60 days in jail for possession of alcohol. A mock funeral was held for the accident victim who passed away, complete with her family in attendance. The last bit of the presentation included a pre-recording of the “deceased” student saying how she was too young to die, and how she had so much life left ahead of her.
“Operation Safe Prom demonstrated the true need for laws and taught me the consequences of making poor decisions. Throughout the presentation it was reiterated that you only get one shot at life, and how one poor choice can take it all away. Safe Prom made me think about how every little choice we make has to be a meaningful one, even one as simple as checking a text, or changing a song while I am driving,” commented Braden.
Huntington North High School will hold its Senior Prom tomorrow night. We know this is an exciting time for our students, and many wonderful memories will be made. Have fun, enjoy this amazing milestone, and make good choices! BE SAFE, VIKINGS!